/* * flowplayer.js 3.2.6. the flowplayer api * * copyright 2009-2011 flowplayer oy * * this file is part of flowplayer. * * flowplayer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the gnu general public license as published by * the free software foundation, either version 3 of the license, or * (at your option) any later version. * * flowplayer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of * merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. see the * gnu general public license for more details. * * you should have received a copy of the gnu general public license * along with flowplayer. if not, see . * * date: 2011-02-04 05:45:28 -0500 (fri, 04 feb 2011) * revision: 614 */ (function(){function g(o){console.log("$f.fireevent",[].slice.call(o))}function k(q){if(!q||typeof q!="object"){return q}var o=new q.constructor();for(var p in q){if(q.hasownproperty(p)){o[p]=k(q[p])}}return o}function m(t,q){if(!t){return}var o,p=0,r=t.length;if(r===undefined){for(o in t){if(q.call(t[o],o,t[o])===false){break}}}else{for(var s=t[0];p1){var t=arguments[1],q=(arguments.length==3)?arguments[2]:{};if(typeof t=="string"){t={src:t}}t=i({bgcolor:"#000000",version:[9,0],expressinstall:"http://static.flowplayer.org/swf/expressinstall.swf",cachebusting:false},t);if(typeof o=="string"){if(o.indexof(".")!=-1){var s=[];m(n(o),function(){s.push(new b(this,k(t),k(q)))});return new d(s)}else{var r=c(o);return new b(r!==null?r:o,t,q)}}else{if(o){return new b(o,t,q)}}}return null};i(window.$f,{fireevent:function(){var o=[].slice.call(arguments);var q=$f(o[0]);return q?q._fireevent(o.slice(1)):null},addplugin:function(o,p){b.prototype[o]=p;return $f},each:m,extend:i});if(typeof jquery=="function"){jquery.fn.flowplayer=function(q,p){if(!arguments.length||typeof arguments[0]=="number"){var o=[];this.each(function(){var r=$f(this);if(r){o.push(r)}});return arguments.length?o[arguments[0]]:new d(o)}return this.each(function(){$f(this,k(q),p?k(p):{})})}}})();(function(){var e=typeof jquery=="function";var i={width:"100%",height:"100%",allowfullscreen:true,allowscriptaccess:"always",quality:"high",version:null,onfail:null,expressinstall:null,w3c:false,cachebusting:false};if(e){jquery.tools=jquery.tools||{};jquery.tools.flashembed={version:"1.0.4",conf:i}}function j(){if(c.done){return false}var l=document;if(l&&l.getelementsbytagname&&l.getelementbyid&&l.body){clearinterval(c.timer);c.timer=null;for(var k=0;k'}q.width=q.height=q.id=q.w3c=q.src=null;for(var l in q){if(q[l]!==null){n+=''}}var o="";if(t){for(var m in t){if(t[m]!==null){o+=m+"="+(typeof t[m]=="object"?g(t[m]):t[m])+"&"}}o=o.substring(0,o.length-1);n+='"}n+="";return n}function d(m,p,l){var k=flashembed.getversion();f(this,{getcontainer:function(){return m},getconf:function(){return p},getversion:function(){return k},getflashvars:function(){return l},getapi:function(){return m.firstchild},gethtml:function(){return a(p,l)}});var q=p.version;var r=p.expressinstall;var o=!q||flashembed.issupported(q);if(o){p.onfail=p.version=p.expressinstall=null;m.innerhtml=a(p,l)}else{if(q&&r&&flashembed.issupported([6,65])){f(p,{src:r});l={mmredirecturl:location.href,mmplayertype:"plugin",mmdoctitle:document.title};m.innerhtml=a(p,l)}else{if(m.innerhtml.replace(/\s/g,"")!==""){}else{m.innerhtml="

flash version "+q+" or greater is required

"+(k[0]>0?"your version is "+k:"you have no flash plugin installed")+"


click here to download latest version


download latest version from here

");if(m.tagname=="a"){m.onclick=function(){location.href="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer"}}}}}if(!o&&p.onfail){var n=p.onfail.call(this);if(typeof n=="string"){m.innerhtml=n}}if(document.all){window[p.id]=document.getelementbyid(p.id)}}window.flashembed=function(l,m,k){if(typeof l=="string"){var n=document.getelementbyid(l);if(n){l=n}else{c(function(){flashembed(l,m,k)});return}}if(!l){return}if(typeof m=="string"){m={src:m}}var o=f({},i);f(o,m);return new d(l,o,k)};f(window.flashembed,{getversion:function(){var m=[0,0];if(navigator.plugins&&typeof navigator.plugins["shockwave flash"]=="object"){var l=navigator.plugins["shockwave flash"].description;if(typeof l!="undefined"){l=l.replace(/^.*\s+(\s+\s+\s+$)/,"$1");var n=parseint(l.replace(/^(.*)\..*$/,"$1"),10);var r=/r/.test(l)?parseint(l.replace(/^.*r(.*)$/,"$1"),10):0;m=[n,r]}}else{if(window.activexobject){try{var p=new activexobject("shockwaveflash.shockwaveflash.7")}catch(q){try{p=new activexobject("shockwaveflash.shockwaveflash.6");m=[6,0];p.allowscriptaccess="always"}catch(k){if(m[0]==6){return m}}try{p=new activexobject("shockwaveflash.shockwaveflash")}catch(o){}}if(typeof p=="object"){l=p.getvariable("$version");if(typeof l!="undefined"){l=l.replace(/^\s+\s+(.*)$/,"$1").split(",");m=[parseint(l[0],10),parseint(l[2],10)]}}}}return m},issupported:function(k){var m=flashembed.getversion();var l=(m[0]>k[0])||(m[0]==k[0]&&m[1]>=k[1]);return l},domready:c,asstring:g,gethtml:a});if(e){jquery.fn.flashembed=function(l,k){var m=null;this.each(function(){m=flashembed(this,l,k)});return l.api===false?this:m}}})(); (function(){ var domready = window.domready = {}; // everything that has to do with properly supporting our document ready event. brought over from the most awesome jquery. var useragent = navigator.useragent.tolowercase(); // figure out what browser is being used var browser = { version: (useragent.match( /.+(?:rv|it|ra|ie)[\/: ]([\d.]+)/ ) || [])[1], safari: /webkit/.test(useragent), opera: /opera/.test(useragent), msie: (/msie/.test(useragent)) && (!/opera/.test( useragent )), mozilla: (/mozilla/.test(useragent)) && (!/(compatible|webkit)/.test(useragent)) }; var readybound = false; var isready = false; var readylist = []; // handle when the dom is ready function domready() { // make sure that the dom is not already loaded if(!isready) { // remember that the dom is ready isready = true; if(readylist) { for(var fn = 0; fn < readylist.length; fn++) { readylist[fn].call(window, []); } readylist = []; } } }; // from simon willison. a safe way to fire onload w/o screwing up everyone else. function addloadevent(func) { var oldonload = window.onload; if (typeof window.onload != 'function') { window.onload = func; } else { window.onload = function() { if (oldonload) { oldonload(); } func(); } } }; // does the heavy work of working through the browsers idiosyncracies (let's call them that) to hook onload. function bindready() { if(readybound) { return; } readybound = true; // mozilla, opera (see further below for it) and webkit nightlies currently support this event if (document.addeventlistener && !browser.opera) { // use the handy event callback document.addeventlistener("domcontentloaded", domready, false); } // if ie is used and is not in a frame // continually check to see if the document is ready if (browser.msie && window == top) (function(){ if (isready) return; try { // if ie is used, use the trick by diego perini // http://javascript.nwbox.com/iecontentloaded/ document.documentelement.doscroll("left"); } catch(error) { settimeout(arguments.callee, 0); return; } // and execute any waiting functions domready(); })(); if(browser.opera) { document.addeventlistener( "domcontentloaded", function () { if (isready) return; for (var i = 0; i < document.stylesheets.length; i++) if (document.stylesheets[i].disabled) { settimeout( arguments.callee, 0 ); return; } // and execute any waiting functions domready(); }, false); } if(browser.safari) { var numstyles; (function(){ if (isready) return; if (document.readystate != "loaded" && document.readystate != "complete") { settimeout( arguments.callee, 0 ); return; } if (numstyles === undefined) { var links = document.getelementsbytagname("link"); for (var i=0; i < links.length; i++) { if(links[i].getattribute('rel') == 'stylesheet') { numstyles++; } } var styles = document.getelementsbytagname("style"); numstyles += styles.length; } if (document.stylesheets.length != numstyles) { settimeout( arguments.callee, 0 ); return; } // and execute any waiting functions domready(); })(); } // a fallback to window.onload, that will always work addloadevent(domready); }; // this is the public function that people can use to hook up ready. domready.ready = function(fn, args) { // attach the listeners bindready(); // if the dom is already ready if (isready) { // execute the function immediately fn.call(window, []); } else { // add the function to the wait list readylist.push( function() { return fn.call(window, []); } ); } }; bindready(); })(); /* * html 5 media compatibility layer. * * copyright 2010 dave hall . * * this script is part of the html5media project. the html5media project enables * html5 video and audio tags in all major browsers. * * the html5media project is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the gnu general public license as published by * the free software foundation, either version 3 of the license, or (at your * option) any later version. * * the html5media project is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of * merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. see the gnu general * public license for more details. * * you should have received a copy of the gnu general public license * along with html5media. if not, see. * * developed by dave hall. * * */ (function(window, document, undefined) { "use strict"; // tagnames for the different types of media tag. var video_tag = "video"; var audio_tag = "audio"; // if no video tag is supported, go ahead and enable all html5 elements. if (!document.createelement(video_tag).canplaytype) { document.createelement(audio_tag); document.createelement("source"); } // checks whether this is a broken android implementation. var isbrokenandroid = window.navigator.useragent.tolowercase().match(/android 2\.[12]/) !== null; // checks if this is opera. var isopera = window.navigator.useragent.tolowercase().match(/opera/) !== null; // checks whether the given element can play the fiven format. function canplayformat(element, format) { return element.canplaytype(format) || (isbrokenandroid && format.search("mp4") > -1); } // scans over elements with the given tag name, creating fallbacks if required. function scanelementsbytagname(tagname) { var elements = document.getelementsbytagname(tagname); var elementslist = []; for (var n = 0; n < elements.length; n++) { elementslist.push(elements[n]); } for (n = 0; n < elementslist.length; n++) { var element = elementslist[n]; var requiresfallback = true; // test if the media tag is supported. if (element.canplaytype) { // if the media has a src attribute, and can play it, then all is good. if (element.src) { if (canplayformat(element, guessformat(tagname, element.src))) { requiresfallback = false; } } else { // check for source child attributes. var sources = element.getelementsbytagname("source"); for (var m = 0; m < sources.length; m++) { var source = sources[m]; if (canplayformat(element, guessformat(tagname, source.src, source.type))) { requiresfallback = false; break; } } } } // if cannot play media, create the fallback. if (requiresfallback || html5media.forcefallback(tagname, element)) { html5media.createfallback(tagname, element); } else { // hack: enables playback in android phones. if (isbrokenandroid) { element.addeventlistener("click", function() { this.play(); }, false); } } } } /** * replaces all video tags with flowplayer video player if the browser does * not support either the video tag the h.264 codex. * * this is run automatically on document ready, but can be run manually * again after dynamically creating html5 video tags. */ function html5media() { scanelementsbytagname("video"); scanelementsbytagname("audio"); } /** * callback to allow conditional forcing of the fallback player. * * return true to force the flash fallback. the default implementation never * forces the flash fallback. */ html5media.forcefallback = function(tagname, element) { return false; }; // removes the final filename from the given path. function dirname(path) { return path.split("/").slice(0, -1).join("/") + "/"; } /** * the locations of the flowplayer and flowplayer controls swf files. * * override this if they are not located in the same folder as the */ var scriptroot = (function() { var scripts = document.getelementsbytagname("script"); for (var n = 0; n < scripts.length; n++) { var script = scripts[n]; if (script.src.match(/html5media(\.min|)\.js/)) { return dirname(script.src); } } return ""; }()); html5media.flowplayerswf = scriptroot + "flowplayer.swf"; html5media.flowplayeraudioswf = scriptroot + "flowplayer.audio.swf"; html5media.flowplayercontrolsswf = scriptroot + "flowplayer.controls.swf"; html5media.expressinstallswf = scriptroot + "expressinstall.swf"; // known media formats. var theora_format = 'video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"'; var h264_format = 'video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42e01e, mp4a.40.2"'; var vorbis_format = 'audio/ogg; codecs="vorbis"'; var webm_format = 'video/webm;'; var m4a_format = 'audio/x-m4a;'; var mp3_format = 'audio/mpeg;'; var wav_format = 'audio/wav; codecs="1"'; /** * the video format to assume if it cannot be determined what format a media * file is. */ var assumedformats = { video: h264_format, audio: mp3_format }; /** * formats that the fallback flash player is able to understand. */ var fallbackformats = [h264_format, m4a_format, mp3_format]; /** * known file extensions that can be used to guess media formats in the * absence of other information. */ var fileextensions = { video: { "ogg": theora_format, "ogv": theora_format, "avi": h264_format, "mp4": h264_format, "mkv": h264_format, "h264": h264_format, "264": h264_format, "avc": h264_format, "m4v": h264_format, "3gp": h264_format, "3gpp": h264_format, "3g2": h264_format, "mpg": h264_format, "mpeg": h264_format, "webm": webm_format }, audio: { "ogg": vorbis_format, "oga": vorbis_format, "aac": m4a_format, "m4a": m4a_format, "mp3": mp3_format, "wav": wav_format } }; // trys to determine the format of a given video file. function guessformat(tag, src, type) { // an explicit type is always best. if (type) { return type; } // try to match based on file extension. var extensionmatch = (/\.([a-z1-9]+)(\?|#|\s|$)/i).exec(src); if (extensionmatch) { var format = fileextensions[tag][extensionmatch[1]]; if (format) { return format; } } return assumedformats[tag]; } // detects presence of html5 attributes. function hasattr(element, attr) { var val = element.getattribute(attr); return !!val || typeof val == "string"; } // standardizes urls to avoid confusing flowplayer. function fixpath(url) { var link = document.createelement("a"); link.href = url; return link.href; } // calculates the given dimension of the given element. function getdimension(element, dimension, fallback) { // attempt to use it's attribute value. var result = element.getattribute(dimension); if (result) { return result + "px"; } // attempt to use it's computed style. var style; if (element.currentstyle) { style = element.currentstyle[dimension]; } else if (window.getcomputedstyle) { style = document.defaultview.getcomputedstyle(element, null).getpropertyvalue(dimension); } else { return fallback; } if (style == "auto") { return fallback; } return style; } // extracts the mimetype from a format string. function getmimetype(format) { return format.match(/\s*([\w-]+\/[\w-]+)(;|\s|$)/)[1]; } // checks whether the two formats are equivalent. function formatmatches(format1, format2) { return (getmimetype(format1) == getmimetype(format2)); } /** * callback for adding custom configuration options to flowplayer before it * launches. this callback is supplied with the tagname of the element being * replaced ("video" or "audio"), the element being replaced, and the * generated flowplayer configuration. * * this callback should return the updated flowplayer configuration. by * the default implementation leaves the generated configuration intact. */ html5media.configureflowplayer = function(element, config) { return config; }; /** * default callback for creating a fallback for html5 media tags. * * this implementation creates flowplayer instances, but this can * theoretically be used to support all different types of flash player. */ html5media.createfallback = function(tagname, element) { var hascontrols = hasattr(element, "controls"); // standardize the src and poster. var poster = element.getattribute("poster") || ""; var src = element.getattribute("src") || ""; if (!src) { // find a compatible fallback file. var sources = element.getelementsbytagname("source"); for (var sn = 0; sn < sources.length; sn++) { var source = sources[sn]; var srcvalue = source.getattribute("src"); if (srcvalue) { for (var fn = 0; fn < fallbackformats.length; fn++) { var fallbackformat = fallbackformats[fn]; if (formatmatches(fallbackformat, guessformat(tagname, srcvalue, source.getattribute("type")))) { src = srcvalue; break; } } } if (src) { break; } } } // if there is no src, then fail silently for now. if (!src) { return; } // create the replacement element div. var replacement = document.createelement("span"); replacement.id = element.id; replacement.style.csstext = element.style.csstext; replacement.classname = element.classname; replacement.title = element.title; replacement.style.display = "block"; replacement.style.width = getdimension(element, "width", "300px"); if (tagname == "audio") { replacement.style.height = "26px"; } else { replacement.style.height = getdimension(element, "height", "200px"); } // replace the element with the div. element.parentnode.replacechild(replacement, element); var preload = (element.getattribute("preload") || "").tolowercase(); // activate flowplayer. var playlist = []; if (poster) { playlist.push({url: fixpath(poster)}); } if (src) { playlist.push({ url: fixpath(src), autoplay: hasattr(element, "autoplay"), autobuffering: hasattr(element, "autobuffer") || (hasattr(element, "preload") && (preload === "" || preload == "auto")), onbeforefinish: function() { return !hasattr(element, "loop"); } }); } // determine which plugins should be loaded. var plugins = { controls: hascontrols && { url: fixpath(html5media.flowplayercontrolsswf), opacity: 0.8, backgroundcolor: "#181818", backgroundgradient: "none", fullscreen: tagname == video_tag, autohide: tagname == video_tag && { fullscreenonly: false, enabled: true, hidestyle: "fade", mouseoutdelay: 0 } || { enabled: false } } || null }; // hack: opera cannot autohide controls, for some reason. if (isopera && plugins.controls) { plugins.controls.autohide.enabled = false; } // audio-specific config. if (tagname == "audio") { // load the audio plugin. plugins.audio = { url: fixpath(html5media.flowplayeraudioswf) }; // hack: the flowplayer audio plugin requires that the controls plugin is present. if (!hascontrols) { plugins.controls = { url: fixpath(html5media.flowplayercontrolsswf), display: "none" }; replacement.style.height = 0; } // hack: disable autobuffering, since a flowplayer audio bug can cause uncontrollable autoplaying. playlist[playlist.length - 1].autobuffering = false; } // load the flowplayer. var config = { play: null, playlist: playlist, clip: { scaling: "fit", fadeinspeed: 0, fadeoutspeed: 0 }, canvas: { backgroundgradient: "none", backgroundcolor: "#000000" }, plugins: plugins }; config = html5media.configureflowplayer(element, config); flowplayer(replacement, { src: fixpath(html5media.flowplayerswf), expressinstall: fixpath(html5media.expressinstallswf), wmode: "opaque" }, config); }; // automatically execute the html5media function on page load. domready.ready(html5media); // expose html5media to the global object. window.html5media = html5media; })(this, document);